Thursday, December 12, 2013

Polar Express Pajama Party

We are going to watch Polar Express in our pajamas.  You might think we mean on our couch at home, but it is at school.  It's on Monday, December 16th.  We are allowed to wear our pajamas to school, but we have to wear regular shoes.  We can bring our slippers with us to change into if we want to.

Mrs.  Wood is going to read the book Polar Express to us on Monday morning.  Then, we will watch the movie and compare it to the book.

It will be SO awesome.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Our Thankful Tree

I love reading each day the varied things your kids are thankful for.  We really do have so much...

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

A Special Visitor

For Family Reading Week, the jr High PAWS came to read to South School. Imagine our excitement when our reader was Isaac, Mrs. Wood's very own big boy!! We've heard about him before and today, Mrs. Wood showed us a picture of him when he was in 2nd grade.  He had Mrs. Meehan and was in our classroom for 2nd grade!!

Friday, November 15, 2013


We are so excited about all of this food for the Backpack Program. We are learning how to be more caring every day!!!!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Veterans Day

Our class joined with 1st grade this morning for a fantastic Veterans Day program. We heard the songs from all of the Armed Forces, we learned what each branch does, and we even met a veteran!! Back at our class, we wrote thank you letters to one of Mrs. Wood's friends who served our country.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

A Visit From Dr. Denise

November's character trait at South School is "caring" so we had a visit from Dr. Denise. She shared SO many ways that doctors are caring. We loved hearing her story!!!!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Three More...

Three more people visited the public library. We only have six more people who need to go...if everybody does it we will have a Popsicle party!!!

We can....

We have had to read this several times today, and sometimes it works!!!!!!!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Nature Walk

It was a BEAUTIFUL day to be on a Nature Walk at Mill Creek Park. We all wanted to stay and camp there!! It was a perfect field trip!

We learned how to build a fire...

The smoke got in our faces...

The campground hostess was so nice and kind...

The campground hostess's camper and fire pit...

Walking back from the primitive camping area...

Checking out a tent...

Checking out the campground...

The bus ride is half the fun...

We had a TON of fun at Mill Creek park today!

On our way...

We are so excited about our Nature Walk at Mill Creek park!!

Spelling Words with Q-tips

These students are so creative. I am loving all the ways they are forming letters!!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Four More Members of Team Wood Visited the Public Library

I am so proud of all see kiddos who have visited the Public Library so far. Guess what...all ten of them got their picture taken today for the newspaper!!!!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Our Trip to the Firehouse

We had a fantastic trip to the firehouse. It is true that firemen have to have a lot of courage!!!!!